Friday, March 18, 2011

I Am Who I Am

Do you ever get tired of people saying “I mean it is what it is” or blame their wrong doings on the fact that “that’s just me”. Because I do!!!! BUT sadly I have also used these very lines (smh). I’m learning that there are so many factors that play a role in you becoming who you are and who you are meant to be. We blame so much on who we ARE now and focus on that, rather than focusing on who we will BE and more importantly who we are MEANT to be. Some people say with age and time comes wisdom and maturity. I say with age and time comes growth because growth can go in both directions. There have been times in my life where I have matured beyond belief but a few months down the road or maybe even years later I have backtracked. Growth is a constant evolution! When people leave your life it makes room for others to enter, when you end one chapter you begin a new one, when you mature you still have your moments of immaturity. It’s like a plant…before the seed is even planted the foundation is laid. There has to be something there before you before you can even exist. For the most part our foundation comes from our family because we are born to our parents. Some foundations are rocky and there’s no soil (but remember the story of the rose who grew from concrete) while others have the best support and the highest grade of soil possible. Then we (the seed) are planted. We don’t ask to be here but we’re just dropped in this land and expected to produce something. Then things are added to life to help us grow…water, sunlight, maintenance, etc. These things are given in the forms of relationships of all kinds, learning, experiences, wins and failures. And as we bud through each stage of life our journey is different. For some of us our growth has been stunted, some of us grew too quickly and some of us are growing at just the right pace. Then an excitement builds as the flower begins to bloom. Making it through something that could have easily broken you produces a petal, learning to forgive and love produces petals, and we grow and grow until we are in full bloom. And the beauty of it is that our processes are unique and although we may be a daisy beside a rose or even a lily beside another lily no two lilies are the same. And as our external beauty fades we leave seeds to produce more flowers…GROWTH. And it is that growing that develops us into who we were, who we are now and who we will become. So next you are tempted to say “that’s just me” remember that in life “His divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness.” (2 Peter 1:3) and in love it is more important to BE the right person than to be with the right person. Who you were isn’t who you are and who you are is just a preview of who you can become.

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